Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Peaceful Haven at Home

By Laurie Ness

I'm pinch-hitting in this column this month, and the first thing I thought of while wondering what to write  pertaining to motherhood and peace was a "challenge" I participated in awhile back, associated with the blog Women Living Well.  During the month of October, the challenge focused on making our homes havens, and each week of the month brought a new component to the challenge.

The first week, we were encouraged to light a candle each day, with the purpose of being reminded, each time the flame caught our eye, to pray for peace in our homes.  I found this to be such a wonderful practice, that I have continued it since.  Oh, the reminders I need to speak peacefully even when I don't feel like it!  Oh, how I need the Lord's help to accomplish this! :)  The candle is such a helpful reminder . . . I encourage you to try it if you feel so led.

We moms really do often have the ability to set or change the tones of our homes. We can choose to be welcoming to the residents and visitors of our home, or to be cold and aloof.  We can choose to yell at our kids or to patiently speak truth into their lives.  We can choose to make our husbands "pay" for not agreeing with us, or we can humble ourselves and move on in unity.

It's all about the choices we make!

Our children are watching.  What are they learning about living peacefully at home (or not) when they see our example?

For more about my experience with the candle challenge, I'll refer you to my personal blog, Rekindled Heart, where I wrote more details.  Also, the Women Living Well blog has lots of encouragement for moms. 

Let's encourage each other to live peacefully with our children, even when it's so hard! :)